Rafael Campillos' PhD Thesis defense

Jun 3rd 2024

On May 31, 2024, our colleague Rafael Campillos successfully defended his doctoral thesis. The proposal, entitled Conceptualization of Temperature: from sensation to the creation of knowledge, focuses on linking the neurophysiological and perceptual processes of the temperature magnitude with the knowledge that is developed about it.

In order to carry out the research, a novel device was developed and used to evaluate and parameterize the thermal sensation, the Termosensimeter, which has been patented. The device makes it possible to link these physiological measurements to the participants' statements. The development of the research was based on an interdisciplinary framework combining the latest advances in the neurophysiology of thermosensation, the psychology of perception and didactics.

Rafael Campillos y su tutor el Dr. Ángel Ezquerra durante el acto de defensa de la tesis doctoral.
Rafael Campillos and his supervisor Dr. Ángel Ezquerra during the defense of his doctoral thesis.

Thinking and feeling

Research in education indicates that the concepts we naturally have about temperature are shared among all human beings. These properties suggest a common origin where the sensory system and the way we are able to sense and perceive our environment directly influences these intuitive ideas.

It would be of educational interest to include a meta-thought on the processes of sensation and estimation of temperatures throughout learning. The participants appeal, regardless of the level of training, to sensory matches from the ordinary world to estimate and understand the temperature scale, evidencing the importance of experiential learning in understanding physical magnitudes and phenomena. The participants recognize the fact that their perception is subjective and they do not trust it. Thanks to the use of the Thermosensimeter, participants were able to explicit their theories and become aware of the dissonance between sensation, perception-estimation and knowledge.

The results of this research allow us to better understand the learning processes of human beings and to improve, as far as possible, their training on a scientifically verifiable basis.

In addition to the research dimension, the academic, social and personal commitment of the new PhD should also be recognized. His contribution to the study field will extend beyond his PhD thesis with the opportunity to establish relationships with other researchers and other institutions.

From here, we congratulate Rafael for his great dedication and hard work, which has allowed him to reach one of the great milestones in an academic career. We hope that he will continue to contribute in this field and doing research with us.

Publications related to the dissertation

  • Campillos, R., Agen, F. & Ezquerra, A (2022). La percepción de temperatura y sus implicaciones educativas. Alambique: Didáctica de las ciencias experimentales, 110, 1004-1004.
  • Campillos, R., Ezquerra-Romano, I., Rodriguez-Arteche, I., Marin, S. & Ezquerra, A. (2021). Measuring our own temperature scale(s). From thermal sensations to thermal concepts. En G.S. Carvalho, A.S. Afonso y Z. Anastácio (Eds.), Fostering scientific citizenship in an uncertain world (Proceedings of ESERA 2021), Part 1. Learning Science: Conceptual Understanding (co-ed. A.S. Afonso y M. Malgieri), (pp. 29–36). Braga: CIEC, University of Minho. ISBN 978-972-8952-82-2.
  • Campillos, R. & Ezquerra, A. (2020). Termosensímetro y método de medida de sensación térmica mediante gradiente térmico lineal (España, núm. de patente: 202030815). Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM).
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