Research group
Neuroeducation, Science and Society

  • How is science and technology perceived by citizens?
  • What emotions are aroused by such a changing world as today’s?
  • How do we make decisions when we have scientific information?
  • Do we understand how we feel and act when dealing with science?

We are a group of researchers interested in analyzing the science-citizenship-society link

Research at the service of society

About us

Lines of

Our work focuses on investigating how science is valued and perceived. We analyze emotional flows in teaching and the development and neuroscientific basis of learning.


Science in Society

Teacher training

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with companies

A significant part of our activity is centered on cooperation and the innovation with companies interested in assessing citizen’s perception of science and the importance it has in their lives

Science-Society research

Knowledge and decision-making

Specialized training

Analysis of emotions and perception

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Latest news

¿Cómo usan las redes sociales para informarse sobre ciencia los futuros docentes?

Jun 3rd 2024

How do pre-service teachers use social networks to be informed about science?

Defensa de la Tesis Doctoral de Rafael Campillos

Jun 3rd 2024

Rafael Campillos' PhD Thesis defense

Análisis paramétrico de las emociones a través de las expresiones faciales en un proceso de ruptura cognitiva

Jun 3rd 2024

Parametric analysis of emotions through facial expressions in a cognitive breakthrough process

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